To tell a compelling story, a communication’s design and messaging work hand in hand. The voice behind our message is:
To tell a compelling story, a communication’s design and messaging work hand in hand. The voice behind our message is:
The Junior League style standards below are to be used in all documents and publications produced by individual Leagues and the Association. For all other terms, including punctuation standards, consult the latest version of the Associated Press Stylebook.
AJLI and League Personnel All AJLI staff and League leader titles will be capitalized including, for example, President, President-Elect, Governance Vice-Chair, League Liaison and so on.
AJLI AJLI is to be written in all caps without periods and without the use of “The.” Only when AJLI is used as an adjective does it require “The,” for example: the AJLI Board of Directors.
Annual Conference Annual Conference will be capitalized when referring to the AJLI Annual Conference. Annual Conference will only be used with “The” when it is written as the entire title, for example: the AJLI 88th Annual Conference.
The Association of Junior Leagues International The title of the organization will be written as such, with “The” included, in first mention. In later mentions in the same document, you may use “AJLI” or the Association.
Award Award is not capitalized as a stand-alone item, even when referring to Junior League Awards.
Board Capitalize when referring to an AJLI or Junior League Board, whether or not preceded by AJLI or Junior League.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion should always be capitalized and spelled out in full when first used, followed by the parenthetical (DEI).
Email Email will be written as one word in lowercase. Never hyphenate. Never capitalize unless it begins a sentence.
Governance Committee Capitalize Governance Committee.
The Junior League Capitalize “The” before Junior League, when referring to the organization as a whole when it stands alone or precedes the words Mission, Vision or Reaching Out Statement.
Junior League Names Do not capitalize “the” when referring to an individual Junior League unless this is part of the League name. Always use the state name after the Junior League upon first mention. If the Junior League is mentioned again in the same document, no state name is necessary.
Junior League Titles: President, Vice President, President-Elect
Junior Leagues’ Kids in the Kitchen Upon first mention in writing, represent the name in full. Upon further mention in same document, you can simply use Kids in the Kitchen. Always italicize Kids in the Kitchen. [NOTE: We are in the process of trademarking Kids in the Kitchen without Junior League reference and should soon hold both trademarks.]
Leaders Capitalize when referring to a Junior League Leader whether preceded by Junior League or not.
League Capitalize when referring to any Junior League, regardless of how it is used in a sentence or phrase.
Member Central The members’ section of the website should be capitalized and written as above, no quotations.
Members Capitalize when referring to a Junior League Member whether preceded by Junior League or not.
Membership categories: New Member/Provisional, Active, Sustainers
Mission Capitalize when referring to the formal Mission of either AJLI or an individual League.
Non-Junior League Titles We follow AP style: title should only be uppercase if they come before a name. Ex: “President Joe Biden.” But “Joe Biden is president of the United States” or “Joe Biden, president of the United States” would be lowercase.
Nonprofit One word, no hyphen.
Vision Capitalize when referring to the formal Vision of either AJLI or an individual League.
Voluntarism Use instead of “volunteerism,” as it is the broader term and used to mean the concept of volunteering as well as the work and concerns of the voluntary sector.
Website One word, no spaces, no capitalization.
As an organization and as individuals, we strive to be inclusive and respectful in our storytelling and be conscious of the evolution of language use. As a general rule, ask the individual/group what terms they prefer.
Bullet Points Do not add periods to the end of phrases/sentences that are bulleted, as they are not part of a formal paragraph structure.
Dates Write numerals without “nd” or “th,” for example: June 8, 2007
Hyperlinks Remove hyperlinks in printed documents/publications.
Phone Number Use periods, not hyphens, for example: 212.XXX.XXXX