When representing your League please remember to set up a Facebook PAGE (different from PROFILE, i.e. First Name “Junior”, Last Name “League”) or your account may be disabled for violating Facebook’s Terms of Use (see below):
“Facebook profiles are meant to represent a single individual. Organizations of any type are not permitted to maintain an account under the name of their organization. We have created Facebook Pages to allow organizations to have a presence on Facebook. These Pages are distinct presences, separate from user profiles, and optimized for an organization’s needs to communicate, distribute information/content, engage their fans, and capture new audiences virally through their fan’s recommendations to their friends. Facebook Pages are designed to be a media rich, valuable presence for any artist, business, or brand.”
- Announcements for the community
- Volunteer recruiting events
- Events benefitting the community (e.g. back-pack and food drives)
- Upcoming fundraisers
- Educational events (e.g. panels on human trafficking, nonprofit board trainings)
- Announcements for members
- Reminders about meetings and trainings
- Invitation to apply for board and committee positions
- Displays of thought leadership
- Blog posts related to community impact initiatives
- Articles related to community impact initiatives written by experts
- Infographics (created by your League or by experts) related to community impact initiatives
- General good news about your community, your community partners, and any member accolade
Facebook: A good rule of thumb for posts per day is no less than one, no more than two (which will have you posting anywhere from 5-10 times per week)
Twitter: Tweeting 3-8 times per day is often a happy medium.
Instagram: 1-4times per day
Pinterest: Start with 5-10 pinboards that have 5 pins each. Then 15 pins per week.
LinkedIn: 2-3 times per week