Next Steps for Implementing Our New Brand Enhancement

As we embark on the exciting journey of reimagining our visual identity with the enhanced Junior League logo, the next steps are just as crucial as the design itself. AJLI encourages Junior Leagues to stay up-to-date with the new brand standard. Once your League leadership is prepared for implementation, the adoption of the new logo enhancement will follow a first-come, first-served process to ensure a seamless transition.  

To start the process, Leagues interested in the new logo can fill out the form below to secure their spot for logo design. To ensure a smooth transition, please read and review the FAQ section below. We are committed to accommodating all interested Leagues and appreciate your enthusiasm in joining us on this transformative path. 

The new brand kit, along with helpful resources, is now available on the brand website, click here.

Next Steps to update League Websites

For Leagues currently utilizing the AJLI Member Essentials Website Template, we’ve got you covered! AJLI can seamlessly update the colors to align with the fresh feel of your new League brand. If your League is utilizing a Digital Cheetah template, the process is straightforward – schedule a consultation with Digital Cheetah to tailor your template to the enhanced Junior League brand colors. 

These next steps are not just about implementing a new look; they’re about collectively shaping the future of The Junior League movement. We’re here to guide you through every phase of this exciting transition. Let’s move forward together! 

Important Disclosure: Please be advised that both Digital Cheetah and AJLI Member Essentials Website Template designs will be under evaluation. In the future, these designs will be reevaluated to ensure alignment with the elements introduced in the new AJLI website.  

Ready to begin the process of transitioning your brand?

PLEASE NOTE: Submissions received after 4.19.24 will be processed following the conclusion of the 2024 Annual Conference. Please proceed with your submission to be included on the list.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What changes can we expect in our new brand?

While our iconic JL icon remains unchanged, several enhancements have been made to our brand. The red has been replaced with a brighter shade, introducing a more vibrant color. The font has been updated from DIN OT to Gotham, providing a refreshed typographic style. Additionally, a new cursive font type has been introduced for added flexibility. Our primary color palette has been expanded, and both neutral and secondary color options have been incorporated, offering a more diverse range of choices. 

Is it mandatory for our League to adopt the new lockup immediately?

No, implementation of the new enhanced logo is not an immediate requirement. Once your League Leaders have given approval for implementation, please reach out to us for the next steps. This timeframe also provides an excellent opportunity to prepare and seamlessly transition into the new League year. If your League currently uses the existing logo, you can update to the new logo as soon as it aligns with your League’s timeline and makes practical sense for you. 

Can we alter the color of the current AJLI brand logo?

The official JL brand maintains a consistent color scheme with red as the primary color. While the secondary colors are available for additional design elements, it’s important to note that the JL column or JL column with the square should adhere to a color palette of red, white, or black only. This ensures the integrity and consistency of the official brand representation. 

Can we expect more design resources to be available?

Absolutely! AJLI is actively working on developing additional materials for Leagues, and you can anticipate more items to be released soon. Stay tuned for an expanded range of design resources to enhance your League’s visual presence. 

Can our League selectively use elements from the new brand, and are we required to use all the colors?

Certainly! Your League has the flexibility to incorporate different elements from the new brand colors, and you are not obligated to use the entire secondary color palette. Feel free to choose the elements that best align with your League’s identity and objectives. 

Where did the ‘of’ go in the new logo lockup?

In the new logo lockup, the word ‘of’ has been intentionally removed to place a stronger emphasis on the main elements. The name “Junior League” is now more prominent, conveying a bold and impactful presence, while the city element has been resized to create a visual hierarchy that aligns with the desired emphasis on ‘Junior League.’ 

How do I update my Canva brand kit?

To update your Canva brand kit, click here to utilize the provided color codes and download the specified font type. This ensures that your Canva designs align seamlessly with the updated brand elements. 

What should we do with materials featuring our current logo?

Feel free to continue using materials that have your current logo. The best time to transition to the new enhanced brand is when it’s time to replace or replenish those materials. 

Can I make adjustments to our League's logo if we have the workable file?

While having the workable file gives you the flexibility to make adjustments, we recommend reaching out to AJLI to create a new workable file for you. This ensures that font sizing remains consistent and aligns with the intended design. 

Please note: As a global organization, our primary brand color is red, accompanied by our iconic symbol. The 25 grandfathered Leagues with alternative design elements are still eligible to maintain their local visual identity. However, we encourage you to incorporate aspects of the new brand for a cohesive and unified representation.  

Please review the FAQ’s listed above and if you have any additional questions, please email